Whilst you should always expect the highest standard of service from your solicitor, there are unfortunate situations where you may be let down. This can leave you in a difficult position, possibly having spent significant time and money on a case that...
Professional advice costs money, so you should be able to rely on it. When guidance is given by a professional that does not meet the required standard of care, the process of putting things right is time-consuming and expensive. It can also have wide-ranging consequences.
Our professional negligence solicitors in Farnham have an impressive track record in robustly pursuing compensation claims for the effects of inadequate professional advice.
Pursuing Negligence Claims Against Solicitors And Barristers
This is a complex area of law. Usually the professional against whom a claim for negligence is brought will have the weight of a powerful insurance company behind them. They will be represented by a large law firm and will often have the support of a respected professional body. This means a specialist solicitor — one who is familiar with the standards that apply in the particular industry the disputed advice relates to — is of critical importance.
Expert Advice From A Committed Team
Our team is headed up by lawyer Mark Ridley, an expert in professional negligence and a member of the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association. We understand that you may be disillusioned when you come to us, having already been let down by a professional. We make it our priority to build a relationship of trust with you and establish a clear strategy for your case from the outset. We handle claims against many types of advisor, including:
- Solicitors and barristers — Missing deadlines, overlooking important information, poor advice or inadequate preparation of your case can all have significant repercussions.
- Architects — Poor design or advice which contravenes planning laws should always be challenged.
- Surveyors — Over or undervaluing property, errors in estimating the scale of a proposed development and providing defective certification are all examples of possible negligence by surveyors.
Contact our professional negligence solicitors in Farnham, Surrey
If you are disappointed in the advice you have received from your professional advisor and believe they may have been negligent, you can contact our specialist dispute solicitors online or by phone on 01252 733770. We are respected practitioners in this area and can help you secure the compensation you deserve.