Whilst you should always expect the highest standard of service from your solicitor, there are unfortunate situations where you may be let down. This can leave you in a difficult position, possibly having spent significant time and money on a case that...
Any building works which might affect the boundary lines of adjoining properties, should be arranged in accordance with the procedure laid down in The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 ("the Act").
Such building works might include:
- a loft conversion
- inserting a damp proof course
- raising a boundary wall
- demolishing and rebuilding a boundary wall
- underpinning a boundary wall
- excavating foundations within three metres of a neighbour’s structure and lower than its foundations
- excavating foundations within six metres of a neighbour’s structure and below a line drawn down at 45° from the bottom of its foundations.
If you or your neighbour is planning to carry out works like these, we invite you to call Mark Ridley on 01252 733 770 to discuss your options.