Whilst you should always expect the highest standard of service from your solicitor, there are unfortunate situations where you may be let down. This can leave you in a difficult position, possibly having spent significant time and money on a case that...
BakerLaw Solicitors is a forward-thinking legal practice with firm roots in the community. Many of our clients are well-established local businesses and families. Our specialist teams provide legal representation that is accessible, current and practical.
We have the capacity to offer a tailor-made service to clients across a wide geographical area. Our work covers the following:
- Property — We offer a cost-effective conveyancing service as well as provide clear-cut advice on property disputes.
- Family law — Helping clients work through the difficult process of divorce and separation and encouraging mediation where appropriate.
- Employment — Our team advises employers on the implementation of correct procedures in the workplace and represents both employers and employees on issues surrounding the termination of employment contracts and dismissal.
- Professional negligence — We are members of the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association and offer expert advice to clients who have been let down by professional advisors.
- Wills and probate — In addition to providing comprehensive advice on wills, our solicitors deal with all matters relating to estate administration. Our work includes pursuing claims for dependants against estates from which they have been excluded and defending estates against this type of action.
- Building disputes — Advising homeowners and businesses when building contractors exceed development budgets and representing clients in disputes over poor workmanship.
- Services for businesses - Focusing on practical solutions to the issues affecting small and medium-sized businesses and helping you plan for the future.
Comprehensive Legal Advice
We aim to be a full-service legal firm, encouraging clients to see us as their principal source of all personal, commercial and professional legal advice. If appropriate, we use mediation as an alternative method of resolving disputes.
Contact Us
For straightforward legal advice and guidance from solicitors who are passionate about their work, you can contact the lawyers at BakerLaw by phone on 01252 733770 or online.