Whilst you should always expect the highest standard of service from your solicitor, there are unfortunate situations where you may be let down. This can leave you in a difficult position, possibly having spent significant time and money on a case that...
In the light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we have taken a number of precautions in an effort to limit the spread of Covid-19 and safeguard our staff and any visitors to our Office. We ask you to follow the guidance below when visiting us.
Face Coverings
All visitors will be required to where a suitable face covering for the duration of their visit. We can supply a face mask upon your arrival should you need one.
Hand Sanitisation
Please use the hand sanitiser provided upon your entry to, and exit from, our office. There are two hand sanitisation points in our reception, one of which is automatic.
Meeting Attendees
If possible, we ask that you limit the number of companions that you intend to bring with you to our office to one person.
Feeling Unwell?
We ask that you do not visit our office if you or anyone in your household are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 or have done so in the 14 days prior to your visit.
Telephone appointments and /or video calls can easily be arranged, as an alternative.
If you experience symptoms of Covid-19 after attending our office, please email gemma.mcbride@baker-law.co.uk or call 01252 733 770 as soon as possible, so that we are able to manage communications with the relevant public health authorities, fellow attendees and our own staff. We will keep the information you provide as confidential as we can, mindful of our public health and data protection obligations.
Recently Travelled from Abroad
We ask that you do not visit the office within 14 days of arriving back to the UK from abroad unless you have arrived from an exempt country. (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england)
Office Cleaning and Risk Assessment
We have put in place the following routines and measures:
- We are cleaning and disinfecting surfaces frequently and throughout the day, especially in high-touch areas such as door handles, meeting-room tables and chairs and general office equipment.
- We have installed anti-bacterial door coverings on the meeting room doors.
- We have installed five fixed hand sanitisation points throughout the building (including two in the reception area and one outside the meeting rooms) and there are additional loose hand sanitiser bottles throughout the Office (including in each meeting room).
- We have provided every desk that is in use with a packet of anti-bacterial wipes.
- We have a supply face masks should you or any visitor need one and these are available on request.
- We are enforcing social distancing throughout the office.
- In accordance with the Government’s guidance, we have completed the required Covid-19 Risk Assessment and will continue to periodically review.
BakerLaw LLP